Ecole Centrale Paris (ECP), founded in 1829, is a faculty-size engineering school and research institute. It counts around 2100 students involved in Engineer/Master and Doctoral programs. The institution trains high level and highly skilled students in the frame of the Education-Research-Company triangle in an international context.
The doctoral School prepares about 200 PhD students for careers in research and R&D in public and private laboratories. The PhD students are preparing their doctoral work within the 8 ECP research teams and across multiple collaborations with laboratories of top french research agencies such CEA, ONERA, IFP... All these researches are done in close interaction with industry and service enterprises. Fifty theses are defended each year, half funded by a company or a large research organization in the context of contractual work. The Graduate School awards ten Ministry of Research Allowance annually.
International collaboration is active with more than 100 international partners in all engineering sciences and more than 35 research co-supervision schemes (co-tutelle) exist with Europe and beyond (such as China, Brazil, Tunisia). The ECP research teams, 150 full-time researchers, produce around 400 publications a year. ECP participates actively in the FP6 and FP7 programs and obtained one ERC grant in 2010.
The Doctoral School welcomes french and foreign students hold a Master or equivalent diploma. Each of them co-signed with his PhD supervisor the thesis charter specifying the conditions for development and supervision of the thesis, proving sufficient financial resources for the duration of the thesis (3 years), defining additional training programs based on original course and the professional project, and regulating aspects of confidentiality and publication of the work. Doctoral School "Engineering Sciences" of Ecole Centrale Paris offers a specific training program to 250 PhD students of the School. This program was expanded year by year to best meet the needs of doctoral students and their host laboratories.This leads Doctoral Education PhD students from Ecole Centrale Paris in acquiring the researcher skills and qualities of leadership, entrepreneurial and innovative.
Full Professor
Research Interests: fluid dynamics of reacting systems, interactions between turbulence and chemistry, radiative heat transfer, multi-physics, high-performance computing
Full Professor
Research Interests: Turbulent combustion modeling - Flames - Tabulated chemistry - CFD - LES - RANS - DNS - Numerical methods for reactive flows - Chemical flame structure - Laminar combustion - High performance computing - Gas turbine combustor - Internal Combustion Engines - Industrial furnaces - Spray flames - Coal combustion - Flameless / MILD combustion - Pollutants
Full Professor
Research Interests: combustion dynamics, flame acoustic interactions, gas turbine combustors, oxycombustion, domestic and industrial boilers
Research Director at CNRS
Research Interests: turbulent combustion, modeling, numerical simulations and high performance computing, experiments and data processing, pollutant emissions, gas turbine combustors, internal combustion engines, industrial furnaces, forest fires