Denis Veynante (Centrale Supélec)

Research Director at CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Researches)

Laboratoire EM2C, CNRS and CentraleSupelec, Grande Voie des Vignes, F-92295 Châtenay-Malabry

Phone: +33141131080



Research Interest

The main research interests of Denis Veynante focused on modeling and numerical simulations of turbulent reaction flows. He co-authored with Thierry Poinsot the textbook "Theoretical and Numerical Combustion". Current research activities are linked to the development of dynamic models to describe reaction rates in large eddy simulations (LES) of turbulent combustion. These models, pioneered by Germano et al. (1991) for momentum transport, take advantage of the known resolved flow scales to automatically adjust the sub-grid scale model parameters. They are currently successfully tested in turbulent jet flames, flame kernel developments and safety-related applications. Especially, model parameters do not require case-by-case adjustment anymore and are found to automatically vary when modifying operational conditions.

Another important topic is to take into account complex chemistry features in turbulent combustion models; These models are often developed assuming simple chemistries faster than turbulent time scales while chemical details are mandatory to describe flame stabilization mechanisms or pollutant formation, key ingredients for industrial applications and environmental requirements.

In collaboration with IFP-EN are also investigated 0D modeling of spark-ignited internal combustion engines, in view of system simulations, large-eddy-simulations of Diesel engine combustion and of ignition and flame kernel development in spark ignited engines.


External links

EM2C: Le Laboratoire EM2C


Selected publications

          G. Wang, M. Boileau and D. Veynante, “Implementation of a dynamic thickened flame model for large eddy simulations of turbulent premixed combustion”, Combustion and Flame, 158 (11), 2199 – 2213, 2011.

          P. Auzillon, O. Gicquel, N. Darabiha, D. Veynante and B. Fiorina, “A Filtered Tabulated Chemistry model for LES of stratified flames”, Combustion and Flame, 159 (8), 2704 - 2717, 2012.

          G. Wang, M. Boileau, D. Veynante and K. Truffin, “Large eddy simulation of a growing turbulent premixed flame kernel using a dynamic flame surface density model. Combustion and Flame, 159 (8), 2742 – 2754, 2012.

          T. Schmitt, A. Sadiki, B. Fiorina and D. Veynante, “Impact of dynamic wrinkling model on the prediction accuracy using the F-TACLES combustion model in swirling premixed turbulent flames”, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 34, 2013.

          Bougrine S., Richard S., Michel, J.B. and D. Veynante, “Simulation of CO and NO emissions in a SI engine using a 0D coherent flame model coupled with a tabulated chemistry approach”, Applied Energy, 113, 1199-1215, 2014.

          Tillou J., Michel, J.B., Angelberger C. and D. Veynante, “Assessing LES models based on tabulated chemistry for the simulation of Diesel spray combustion”, Combustion and Flame, 161, 525 - 540, 2014.

          Mercier R., Schmitt T., Veynante D. and Fiorina B., “The influence of combustion SGS sub-models on the resolved flame propagation. Application to the LES of the Cambridge stratified flames”, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 35, 1259-1267, 2015.

          Schmitt T. Boileau M. and Veynante D., “Flame wrinkling factor dynamic modeling for large eddy simulations of turbulent premixed combustion”, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 94(1), 199-217, 2015.



Project ID: 643134

Call: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014

Amount: EUR 3,832,293

Content: 15 PhD Students (ESR)

Period: 48 months

Starting date: 1st January 2015

Partners: 4 academic, 3 industrial & T.I.M.E.

Countries: BE, D, F, IT

Coordinator: Politecnico di Milano (IT)

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