Full Professor at Technische Universität Darmstadt
Energy and Powerplant technology, TU Darmstadt, Jovanka-Bontschits-Str. 2, 64287 Darmstadt, Germany
Phone: +496151162757
Fax: +496151166555
Prof. Dr. A. Sadiki is leader of the theoretical/numerical group at Institute EKT. The EKT has approximately 20 senior and junior scientists. Focused on applied combustion research including modelling, simulation and validation investigations, he is involved since more than 25 years in the numerical modelling and prediction of combustion systems following various approaches including URANS, LES, DNS and PDF/FDF as well as hybrid LES/CAA approach for combustion noise. One of his research interests focuses on developing novel techniques for modelling and simulating turbulent single phase and multiphase reacting flows, multi-scale and multi-physic interaction processes such as combustion-turbulence, combustion-acoustics, turbulence-particle-chemistry, mass and heat transfer along with flame-wall interaction, species formation, and control using Large Eddy Simulation, Scale Adaptive Simulations among other techniques. Especially his modeling is based on a thermodynamically consistent strategy relying on the second law of thermodynamics via the entropy inequality. The application combustion objects are especially power plants, gas turbines and IC-engines.
It is worth mentioning that strong international cooperation activities are fostered with a large number of research groups worldwide.
Gumprich, W., B. Synek, and A. Sadiki, A.: Assessment of the Direct Quadrature based Sectional Method of Moments for the Simulation of Evaporating Polydisperse Sprays, Atomization and Sprays, To appear [DOI: 10.1615/AtomizSpr.201401063], 2015
Avdic, A. ; Kuenne, G. ; Ketelheun, A. ; Sadiki, A. ; Jakirlic, S. ; Janicka, J. :High performance computing of the Darmstadt stratified burner by means of large eddy simulation and a joint ATF-FGM approach. Computing and Visualization in Science, 16 (2) pp. 77-88, 2014
Ahmadi, W. ; Mehdizadeh, A. ; Chrigui, M. ; Sadiki, A. :Numerical Evaluation of Unsteadiness in Particle Dispersion Modeling. In: Journal of Fluids Engineering, 137 (3), (2014)
Goryntsev, D. ; Nishad, K. ; Sadiki, A. ; Janicka, J. : Application of LES for Analysis of Unsteady Effects on Combustion Processes and Misfires in DISI Engine. In: Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Revue d'IFP Energies nouvelles, 69 (1) pp. 129-140, (2014)
Sacomano Filho, F. L. ; Chrigui, M. ; Sadiki, A. ; Janicka, J. :Les-Based Numerical Analysis of Droplet Vaporization Process in Lean Partially Premixed Turbulent Spray Flames. In: Combustion Science and Technology, 186 (4-5) pp. 435-452, (2014)
Pantangi, P., Sadiki, A., Janicka, J., Mann, M., Dreizler, A.: LES of premixed methane flame impinging on the wall using non-adiabatic flamelet generated manifold (FGM) approach; Flow Turb. Combust. 92, 805-836 (2014).
Schmitt, T., Sadiki, A., Fiorina, B, Veynante, D.:Impact of dynamic wrinkling model on the prediction accuracy using the F-TACLES combustion model in swirling premixed turbulent flames, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 34, 2013.
Janicka, J. ; Kühne, J. ; Kuenne, G. ; Ketelheun, A.: Large Eddy Simulation of Combustion Systems at Gas Turbine Conditions. In: Flow and Combustion in Advanced Gas Turbine Combustors - Fluid Mechanics and Its Application (Janicka, J. ; Sadiki, A. ; Schäfer, M. ; Heeger, C. (eds.)) , pp. 183-204, (2013)
Chrigui, M. ; Gounder, J. ; Sadiki, A. ; Masri, A. ; Janicka, J. : Partially premixed reacting acetone spray using LES and FGM tabulated chemistry. In: Journal of Combustion and Flame, 159 (8) pp. 2718-2741, (2012)
Weckering, J and Sadiki, A and Janicka, J and Mastorakos, E and Eggels, RLGM, A forced ignition probability analysis method using LES and Lagrangian particle monitoring. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 33. pp. 2919-2925. ISSN 1540-7489, 2011