Full Professor at Centrale Supélec
Laboratoire EM2C, CentraleSupelec, Grande Voie des Vignes 92295, Châtenay Malabry
Phone: +33141131086
The domain of research of Benoît Fiorina is related to the modeling and the simulation of turbulent reactive flows, including detailed chemistry effects. Benoît Fiorina has completed his PhD studies at the EM2C laboratory, Ecole Centrale Paris. Then, he spent two years at Stanford as a post-doctoral fellow. Since 2006, he has been successively assistant professor, then professor at the Ecole Centrale Paris. His major research achievements are the development of combustion models for advanced CFD methods. More precisely, it relies on the introduction of tabulated chemistry in Large Eddy Simulations. The turbulent combustion models are currently transferred to industrial partners. These numerical tools are implemented in the official release of the CFD codes AVBP and YALES2, widely used by CERFACS, SAFRAN, GDF-SUEZ, IFP-EN and numerous CNRS laboratories. Benoît Fiorina's work leads to 27 publications in international peer-reviewed journals. He passed his Habilitation diploma to conduct research in September 2012. Since 2014, he has been elected President of the French section of the Combustion Institute.
EM2C: Le Laboratoire EM2C
J. Lamouroux, M. Ihme, B. Fiorina, O. Gicquel. Tabulated chemistry approach for diluted combustion regimes with internal recirculation and heat losses. Combustion and Flame. Vol. 161 (8), pp 2120-2136 (2014).
R. Mercier, P. Auzillon, N. Darabiha, O. Gicquel, D. Veynante, B. Fiorina, V. Moureau. LES modeling of the impact of heat losses and differential diffusion on turbulent stratified flame propagation: application to the TU Darmstadt stratified flame. Flow Turbulence and Combustion. Vol. 93 (2), pp 349-381 (2014)
T. Schmitt, A. Sadiki, B. Fiorina, D. Veynante. Impact of dynamic wrinkling model on the prediction accuracy using the F-TACLES combustion model in swirling premixed turbulent flames. Proc. Combust. Inst. Vol 34. Issue 1. pp 1261-1268 (2013).
B. Franzelli, B. Fiorina, N. Darabiha. A tabulated chemistry method for spray combustion. Proc. Combust. Inst. Vol 34. Issue 1. pp 1659-1666 (2013).
P. Auzillon, O. Gicquel, N. Darabiha, D. Veynante, B. Fiorina. A filtered tabulated chemistry model for LES of stratified flames. Combustion and Flame. Vol. 159, pp 2704-2717 (2012).
B. Fiorina, R. Vicquelin, P. Auzillon, N. Darabiha, O. Gicquel, D.Veynante. A Filtered tabulated chemistry model for LES of premixed combustion. Comb and Flame. Vol 157, Issue 3, pp 465-475 (2010)