Host Institution: Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium)
Aero-Thermo-Mechanical Department, Université Libre de Bruxelles
Phone: +32(0)493567265
Research interests
The main research area which I am focused on is related to the numerical simulation of combustion process, and specifically aimed at Sub-grid models for LES simulation of non-conventional combustion regimes. The research activities I am going to conduct regarding my thesis topic are at first, making a combustion-LES tool implementing the implicit LES, EDC and PaSR paradigms available using the OpenFOAM code. Second, the impact of detailed and reduced chemistry will be also assessed. And in the end, a validation process by using data from literature or experiments will be included. My research goal is to have an insight investigations on the role of filtering and sub-closure models for relatively low-Da number systems.
Personal page
Selected publications
Zhiyi Li, Marco Ferrarotti, Alberto Cuoci and Alessandro Parente, "Finite-rate chemistry modelling of non-conventional combustion regimes using a Partially-Stirred Reactor closure: combustion model formulation and implementation details",
Applied Energy 225, 637-655 (2018).
Zhiyi Li, Alberto Cuoci, Amsini Sadiki and Alessandro Parente, "Comprehensive numerical study of the Adelaide Jet in Hot-Co-flow burner by means of RANS and detailed chemistry", Energy 139, 555-570 (2017).
Marco Ferrarotti, Zhiyi Li and Alessandro Parente, "On the role of mixing models in the simulation of MILD combustion using nite-rate chemistry combustion models", Proceedings of Combustion Institute, 2019.
Gianmarco Aversano, Aurelie Bellemans, Zhiyi Li, Axel Coussement, Olivier Gicquel and Alessandro Parente, "Application of Reduced-Order Models based on PCA & Kriging for the development of digital twins of reacting flow applications",
Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2019.
Project title: Sub-grid models for LES simulation of non-conventional combustion regimes
Objectives. Combustion models for LES usually rely on the flamelet assumption and related modifications, which constrain the thermochemical space accessible in the numerical simulation. Whilst the use of transported PDF methods in LES appears still computationally prohibitive, especially for practical combustion systems, there are a number of sub-grid models showing promise for the inclusion of detailed kinetic mechanisms. The objective of the present study will be that of assessing the role of sub-grid models for the LES simulation of non-conventional combustion regimes. In particular, implicit LES (ILES) will be compared to other existing closures for finite-rate chemistry models, including Eddy Dissipation Concept (EDC) and the Partially Stirred Reactor approach (PASR).
Expected results. The doctorate is expected to provide insight in the role of filtering and sub-closure models for relatively low-Da number systems as the ones investigated in the present project. A combustion-LES tool implementing the implicit LES, EDC and PaSR paradigms shall be made available using the OpenFOAM code. This will allow including detailed chemistry in LES simulations. Moreover, the impact of detailed and reduced chemistry will be also assessed, allowing optimising computational resources in the framework of large-scale combustion simulations. The numerical simulations will be validated using data from the literature and collected in a newly designed MILD combustion furnace installed at ULB.
Planned secondment. DE-TUD (8-10 months). Validation of the EDC and PaSR approaches.
One of the originalities is to link the different teams together with four additional industrial partners in order to suggest and develop new complementary perspectives combining mathematics and physics, chemistry and fluid mechanics, computation and experiments, all these different approaches aiming at a final real scale application for industrial use by companies.
One innovative aspect of the program is to offer an extensive and prospective view of research to candidates with the goal to prepare them to become the researchers of tomorrow. The candidates' education will not be only a scientific research program, but also instruction on how to develop their understanding of research, their own responsibilities and their professional abilities.
Mobility is essential for research. Candidates will spend a first year mainly dedicated to their learning and knowledge development in one or the two co-tutelle institutions, followed by 1 or 2 semesters of intensive exchanges between the two. Then candidates will take a step back during the last semester for the synthesis of the work.