Host Institution: Technische Universität Darmstadt (Germany)
Department of Energy and Power Plant Technology, Darmstadt University of Technology.
Phone: +49 6151 16 28908
Research interests
In order to oppose to the pollution standards evolution and to optimize the combustion chamber efficiency, the development and the improvement of combustion technologies and methodologies are required. My research studies concerns the numerical investigation of turbulent isothermal and oxy-fuel combustion provided by separated jets. The swirl effects have been also studied with different values of Swirl Number in order to improv the mixing. The turbulence is captured by using the Large Eddy Simulation model according to the Smagronisky-approach with dynamic procedure which was applied to compute the subgrid scale stress. A flamelet/progress variable model along with a presumed probability density function (PDF), are used to capture the turbulent reacting flow. The Turbulence chemistry interaction is accounted for by coupling the Flamelet Generated Manifold (FGM) tabulated chemistry within the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code, and transport equations are solved by the finite volume method. A non uniform grid is applied and particularly tightened close to the exit jets in order to capture the near field mechanisms.
Personal page
Selected publications
Project title: Development and Application of an Eulerian Filtered Density Function Methodology coupled to a Tabulated Chemistry Strategy according to FPI/FGM
Objectives. In many combustion systems, a single burning regime usually occurs. This can be described accurately using a classical flamelet formulation which is restricted to processes within the so-called flamelet regime. By including the curvature and unsteadiness effects, the applicability of the flamelet assumption could be extended. In order to consider the effect of turbulence on the chemistry, further information about the fluctuations is needed. In the context of pre-tabulated chemistry, this effect is represented by distributions of the scalars on the sub-grid level. Generally, a presumed shape (mostly a Beta-shape for the mixture fraction) of the probability density function (pdf) on the sub-grid level is assumed. With respect to other scalars this form may not be valid.
An alternative is given by the solution of the transport equation of one-point joint filtered fine grained pdf of the thermochemical variables. However, this equation involves a large number of independent variables, so that a solution is only possible using stochastic solution methods. In contrast to conventional Lagrangian stochastic particle methods, the Eulerian approaches have become attractive. From the literature, it turns out that such methods allow for describing both non-premixed, premixed regimes and partially premixed combustion.
In this project the LES-fdf methodology will be treated following an Eulerian moment method that will be coupled to a flamelet generated manifolds (FGM) tabulated chemistry to describe multi-regime combustion. Emphasize will be first put on the heat transfer and its effect on the flame evolution and pollutant formation under subcritical flow conditions. Supercritical conditions will be then especially considered. The LES-fdf tool will be validated using available experimental data.
Planned secondment. IT-POLIMI (8-10 months). Chemistry tabulation.
One of the originalities is to link the different teams together with four additional industrial partners in order to suggest and develop new complementary perspectives combining mathematics and physics, chemistry and fluid mechanics, computation and experiments, all these different approaches aiming at a final real scale application for industrial use by companies.
One innovative aspect of the program is to offer an extensive and prospective view of research to candidates with the goal to prepare them to become the researchers of tomorrow. The candidates' education will not be only a scientific research program, but also instruction on how to develop their understanding of research, their own responsibilities and their professional abilities.
Mobility is essential for research. Candidates will spend a first year mainly dedicated to their learning and knowledge development in one or the two co-tutelle institutions, followed by 1 or 2 semesters of intensive exchanges between the two. Then candidates will take a step back during the last semester for the synthesis of the work.