Host Institution: Technische Universität Darmstadt (Germany)
Institute of Energy and Power Plant Technology, Dept of Mechanical Engineering, TU Darmstadt
Phone: +49 6151 16 28757
Fax: +49 6151 16 28900
Research interests
My emphasis is the study of combustion in multiphase flows. The fluid-particle interaction being simulated employing an Euler-Lagrange approach, where diverse phenomena are taken into consideration such as particle collision, breakup, evaporation, and afterward the combustion with the consequent species transformation. For the simulation of such processes I employ CFD OpenFOAM, where either the already incorporated or self implemented models and solvers are first properly validated using experimental data. Among the scope of my research is also included the analysis of spray behavior under supercritical conditions, which represents an expansion of the above expiained operations implying big challenges regarding the theoretical approach to be chosen and later on its mathematical and modeling implementation.
Selected publications
Objectives. The development of numerical models in context of LES (Large Eddy Simulation) for reacting flows has recorded significant progress in recent last years. Nevertheless, due to the complexity of the interaction between turbulence and chemistry in different combustion regimes (premixed, partially premixed and diffusion controlled), many scientific questions remain still open. Even within a single regime, various turbulence-chemistry interaction mechanisms lead to different flame behavior.
Validated LES models for partially-premixed operating conditions are very rare. Besides the diffusion-based flamelet approach with progress-variable (FPV), the premixed-based F-TACLES (Filtered TAbulated Chemistry for LES) combustion model has been recently extended to partially premixed regimes and to conditions with heat loss effects.
The objective of this PhD project is to further develop and validate appropriate sub-models to be integrated into a complete LES model using an advanced F-TACLES Strategy. This consists especially in introducing a dynamical formulation of the wrinkling model in order to avoid the undesirable tuning of the essential model parameter for each configuration, and thus to improve the predictability of the model under various operating conditions. The experimental data obtained in the framework of this consortium will be used for model validation. For engineering tasks the LES achievements will be assessed by comparison with those obtained from adaptive scale based RANS simulations.
One of the originalities is to link the different teams together with four additional industrial partners in order to suggest and develop new complementary perspectives combining mathematics and physics, chemistry and fluid mechanics, computation and experiments, all these different approaches aiming at a final real scale application for industrial use by companies.
One innovative aspect of the program is to offer an extensive and prospective view of research to candidates with the goal to prepare them to become the researchers of tomorrow. The candidates' education will not be only a scientific research program, but also instruction on how to develop their understanding of research, their own responsibilities and their professional abilities.
Mobility is essential for research. Candidates will spend a first year mainly dedicated to their learning and knowledge development in one or the two co-tutelle institutions, followed by 1 or 2 semesters of intensive exchanges between the two. Then candidates will take a step back during the last semester for the synthesis of the work.