Host Institution: Centrale Supélec (France)
Laboratoire EM2C
Phone: +33 1 4113
Research interests
The main research area which I focused on during my university internship and master thesis work is related to Computational Fluid Dynamycs applied to the study of a turbulent oxy-combustion process of natural gas with High Performance Computing. Three-dimensional simulations, set up with ANSYS FLUENT v14.5 via RANS approach, specifically aim at validation of chemistry-turbulence interaction models such as Eddy Dissipation models.
As regards CLEAN-gas PhD programme, my research activity will be focused on large eddy simulations of large scale swirling turbulent flames. The objective of my doctorate thesis is to validate the classical turbulent combustion models through a multiphysics approach taking into account the effect of radiation and heat transfer in the walls on the flame. These simulations include more physical phenomena, so they need to be more accurate and their results are compared with experimental data.
Project title: Large eddy simulations of large scale swirling turbulent flames
Objectives. The objective of this thesis is to validate the classical turbulent combustion models as well as those developed in the other ESR in an LES framework. The originality of the subject lies in multiphysics approach to be implemented. The candidate will use the simulation framework developed at EM2C laboratory that allows taking into account the effect of radiation and heat transfer in the walls on the flame. For each of these phenomena a specific code is chosen, allowing the use of dedicated models. These three codes are coupled with special software available in the laboratory EM2C.
As these simulations include more physical phenomena, they should be more accurate. The results will be compared with experimental results obtained in other ESR.
Expected results. The candidate will initially perform simulation of the target burner using an adiabatic combustion model. The combustion model will be improved by the addition of the inclusion of heat losses in the model. The validation simulations will be carried out by imposing thermal boundary conditions on the burner wall. These boundary conditions will be provided the experimental PhD students of the program. In a second step the candidate will couple his LES calculation with a MonteCarlo radiation code and a code calculating heat transfer in the walls of the burner. These fully coupled simulations will be validated by comparison with experimental results obtained in the framework of this program.
Planned secondment. BE-ULB (8-10 months). Post-processing of the LES results and comparison with experimental data.
One of the originalities is to link the different teams together with four additional industrial partners in order to suggest and develop new complementary perspectives combining mathematics and physics, chemistry and fluid mechanics, computation and experiments, all these different approaches aiming at a final real scale application for industrial use by companies.
One innovative aspect of the program is to offer an extensive and prospective view of research to candidates with the goal to prepare them to become the researchers of tomorrow. The candidates' education will not be only a scientific research program, but also instruction on how to develop their understanding of research, their own responsibilities and their professional abilities.
Mobility is essential for research. Candidates will spend a first year mainly dedicated to their learning and knowledge development in one or the two co-tutelle institutions, followed by 1 or 2 semesters of intensive exchanges between the two. Then candidates will take a step back during the last semester for the synthesis of the work.